Utricularia parthenopipes

5,00 € inc. tax
Utricularia parthenopipes Summary

Utricularia parthenopipes

Utricularia parthenopipes is a small easy-to-grow bladderwort with gorgeous flowers. It is endemic to the Brazilian state of Bahia. In nature it grows as a terrestrial plant in damp, sandy soils over sandstone rocks at altitudes from 500 m to 1,500 m and flowers between January and June. In cultivation, we see it flower between November and February. It was originally described and published by Peter Taylor in 1986.

It is really easy to grow, to the point of being weedy. It's one of those that will squat in all you'r CPs given the proximity to seed in them. Will grow under many light conditions, but will not flower if too dark.

We stock this species either in 9 cm round pots or in 3x3 cm portions.

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