Sarracenia leucophylla L4 MS, ''Red tube'', Splinter Hill, Alabama, ex. Peter Toufar
Sarracenia leucophylla L4 MS, ''Red tube'', Splinter Hill, Alabama ex. Peter Toufar. This clone has a very fine mesh. It is a short clone, which makes it just more interesting as most leucos are big or huge.
L4 M
S must not be confused with L4 M
K 'Schnell's Gost'. L4 M
S is a different clone and can usually be found labeled as Red Tube. It is not a red tube clone. We obtained it from M. Srba who gives this description on is webpage:
''The plant (L4 MS) is characterized by a relatively small cap, which is almost as wide as the stems, and also by a relatively thick red veining, which was a valued feature among plants grown at the time (1990ies). However, in the context of the current assortment of red-veined and all-red (probably hybrid) S. leucophylla plants, the L4 clone designation is somewhat misleading. In retrospect, however, a hypothesis is offered as to how the plant presented here came to be labeled "Red Tube". The plant, in a number of morphological details, is very similar to plants from the Alabama location of Splinter Hill. Hybrid, all-red plants are occasionally found within this population, which are often referred to as S. leucophylla "Red Tube". It can therefore be imagined that, the first growers eagerly obtained seeds from this location under the name "Red Tube". However, the seeds produced plants with a typical appearance, and since no reference literature was available at the time, plants of standard coloration were further propagated under this designation.''
So: L4 MS is most likely from the Splinter Hill location, but represents, of course, just one of the possible genotypes from that location. Same logic applies actually to all location plants. It is not a red tube and is not Schnell's Ghost. A collector will be able to know the value of this plant and if it's something they'd be interested to include in their collection. For a casual CP entusiast I'd definately recommend this clone. Of the leucos we got so far, this one is the most visually appealing to me.
We stock a few M size plants at the moment, they will flower in 2 years.