If you're interested in Salvia divinorum please contact me on Messenger, IG or email.
Mazatec shamans have a long and continuous tradition of religious use of S. divinorum to facilitate visionary states of consciousness during spiritual healing sessions. S. divinorum is legal in some countries, including Slovenia.
Picture: legality of Salvia divinorum, source Wikipedia. Grey: legal, Red: illegal, Green & Orange: illegal with exceptions. Map is fo educational purposes only.
Its native habitat is cloud forest in the isolated Sierra Mazateca of Oaxaca, Mexico, where it grows in shady, moist locations. The plant grows to over a meter high, has hollow square stems like others in the mint family Lamiaceae. It has large square-ish leaves. It flowers very rarely, it’s flowers are white and have violet calyxes. The flowers almost never produce viable seed, so it is most likely that it is a triploid of possibly hybrid origin. Even in it’s native habitat it is almost exclusively reproduced vegetatively.
Salvia can be tricky to grow for people who just want “Salvia”, but are not prepared to understand it as a living organism.
Salvia is easy to grow and has “salad-sized” leaves IF you give it the conditions it needs - just like any other plant or animal! Unfortunantelly, I do not have time to answer every question or troubleshoot every problem (although I try). So, I have a few videos on growing Salvia on my Youtube channel. These should answer the majority of your questions, whether you’re thinking about getting a Salvia plant or have one already and have a problem with it. Plus you’ll see what my stock Salvia plants look like.
Plants sold here are cuttings, well rooted in soil, 20cm to 30 cm tall. They are shipped bare root. For Slovenia based customers we offer the bare-root and potted shipping option. The choice is yours, however I suggest the bare-root option for this plant. Wherever you're located if you order during winter here I might contact you regarding a possible shipping delay to avoid cold damage.